
Renewal of Quality and Innovation Management Certifications

After the completion of the Renewal Audit by the certifying entity SGS, the renewal of the certifications of the Integrated Quality and Innovation Management System of 2GO OUT Consulting was confirmed by the standards NP EN ISO 9001: 2015 (Quality Management System) and NP 4457 : 2007 (Research, Development and Innovation Management System).

CityLoops.EU Project - Closing the food waste cycle

As part of CityLoops, Porto is developing a series of tools/actions aimed at promoting circularity in the biowaste sector which will be used/implemented in the demonstration actions. 2GO OUT Consulting participates in the circular demonstration activities at Porto City, working with LIPOR, Municipality of Porto and Porto Ambiente.

HOOP project will start in October with 23 partners from 10 countries

The HOOP Project, a new European Project coordinated by CETENMA, is a new European Project funded by Horizon 2020. The project has 23 partners from 10 different countries and a budget of €9 million. The Portuguese participation will be led by LIPOR and will count with the participation of 2GO OUT Consulting and RdA Climate Solutions.

EU Green Deal Call - Industry for a Clean and Circular Economy

Call area 3 “Industry for a Clean and Circular Economy” it’s one of 11 areas of European Green Deal Call (#Horizon2020), launched in September 22 having as deadline January 26. EU Green Deal Call has available € 1 billion of funding for all the 11 areas included.

EU Green Deal Call - Increasing Climate Ambition

Call area 1 “Increasing climate ambition: cross-sectoral challenges” it’s one of 11 areas of European Green Deal Call (#Horizon2020), launched in September 22 having as deadline January 26. EU Green Deal Call has available € 1 billion of funding for all the 11 areas included.

European Green Deal Call (H2020) - € 1 billion of funding

The European Commission has already released the full text of the Green Deal Call and the topics that will be competing, organized in 11 areas. The 2GO OUT Consulting team is already working to support the integration of national entities in consortia for this new Horizon 2020 call, whose applications may be submitted until January 26, 2021.
