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The first presentation session of the 2014-2021 EEA Grants took place on January 10th. One of the programs presented was the “Environment, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy”, whose areas of activity are as follows.
- promoting circular economy - promoting the application of circular economy principles in specific sectors
- target groups: SMEs, industry, industry associations and clusters
- territorial enhancement - promoting sustainable development in biosphere reserves
- target groups: managing bodies, local authorities, companies, universities, R&D centers, local communities
- decarbonisation of society - increasing resilience and response to climate change in specific areas
- target groups: local authorities, companies (startup SMEs), universities, R&D centers.
For Portugal, this program has a total of € 4 235294, and its manager is the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Transition. It will be launched at the end of February 2019, when the notice calendar, the debriefing sessions and the opening of the notices will be announced.
More information at www.eeagrants.gov.pt and http://www.2goout-consulting.com